The international library manages the research, classification, archiving and promotion of KAR and MIDI files. The files have been sorted, renamed correctly and classified in their artist folder on the "Artist - Title" standard.
To work around the problem of excessive downloads, you must put the selected files in the cart. International-midi-files is ad-free!
How to download :
- The alphabetical letters above lead you to the Artist files, which themselves contain the List of downloadable titles. By clicking on a title, you access the lyrics.
- To be free, each cart is limited to 50 files. Beyond that, you must pay for the basket. You can download several baskets if you wish.
- To make the order free, click on "View cart" and enter the coupon code: 50F then apply.
To receive your titles by email, enter a valid password at the end of the basket. More info: How to download?
Email: your email address does not leave this site and is not used for advertising purposes.
Find all your files under your account at "Files". To download, double-click the file.
PLEASE NOTE: Inactive accounts are kept for two years, then deleted.
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For downloads in large numbers, think of the complete collections: library
Search titles:
Find a title or an artist by a few words or an end of the title with the Karaokar search: